Mike Hunter’s colorful life takes him from a troubled upbringing to his final adventure in the gold souk of Dubai. After coming off worst in a confrontation with his drunken father who beats his mother and abuses his sister, Mike takes refuge in the Army.
After a stint in the SAS and a tour in Vietnam, Mike leaves the Army and finds work in the early, frantic days of Dubai during the 1980’s.
With his marriage in trouble Mike has a further romantic failure with a woman in Dubai. She runs from Mike in fear of what her aggressive ex-husband will do.
Lonely and depressed in a foreign land, Mike hooks up with Prithi, a young attractive Indian girl. Between Prithi, a desire for wealth and a treacherous Indian rival and the heady atmosphere of Dubai, Mike’s life is in danger.
With Major Ali Abbas, a local police chief, the story twists and turns. An action packed and adventurous narrative of sex, greed, gold and murder, Hunter’s Gold is a story you can’t put down until the end.